As I'm writing this, our newsletter, The Ergo, stands at around 60,000 monthly subscribers.

It's the main way we share news with the world.

All of our product updates, all of the different ways Oryx gets better. A great interview every month, excellent keyboard layouts that many people learn from, and a beautiful wallpaper each month in multiple resolutions.

It's a lot.

You can see an example here.

One part of the Ergo people love is called Things We Liked.

The internet is a wonderfully weird place. It's really everything everywhere all at once.

So much creativity.

Whether it's a playground for creating vector art, a site that's dedicated to showing up-to-the-minute sports scores in plain text, a command-line tool that takes you through a quick physical workout, or dice that help you make a more interesting cup of coffee — there's so much interesting stuff out there.

I love finding these gems.

It's something I've been doing for years, and I've amassed quite a collection. I must've shared hundreds of these with subscribers.

And now, we took them all, lovingly tagged each, and created a collection subscribers can browse: The Ergo Link Archive.

Enjoy our weird, creative, surprising, highly personal view of the Internet. ❤️