ZSA Loves: Fjorden Grip
Pretend your iPhone is an actual camera
Pretend your iPhone is an actual camera
Simple, elegant rice making
Classic, versatile, and unglamorous
An excellent two-player game for any time of the year
These are classics for a reason
Brutal tabletop roleplaying
Fun writing tools you don't have to throw away
The hype is real
Shift your state for free — no gadgets required
Play almost any abstract strategy game with one simple DIY kit
CAD for artists
A simple dexterity and fidget toy
A new kind of knife sharpener
A personal budgeting app I've been using for years
Some wonderful reads, both fiction and non-fiction
Audiobooks that support local bookstores
Why safety blades rock
Narrative driven tabletop gaming
A better keyboard layout
Homemade soap: Not just lavender and patchouli
Superpower your eReader, for free
A brilliant game of strategy
The shoes that helped me start running
Doesn't the Internet have enough reviews already? It would seem that way until you dig in.