A little while ago, a friend shared a Reddit post from someone who was holding off on buying a Voyager because they weren't sure if ZSA will be releasing a new keyboard in 2025. That was a surprise for me — I learned there's a line between "not hyping our work in progress" to "being too vague that it's confusing".
I took the time to reply on Reddit, but the usual thing I'd do is write a blog post about it (not being a fan of social media). So here are my thoughts on this, plus a note on pricing at the end.
tl;dr: ZSA will not be releasing a new keyboard in 2025.
We are working on some really exciting things (more below), but a new keyboard is not one of them.
One of my big goals in life is to provide stability for others, to create something our team and customers can count on in a world that often feels tumultuous and unstable. I don’t usually discuss future plans because I’m not a fan of the tech industry’s tendency for hype and premature announcements. I'm making an exception here because I did mention on a podcast episode that we have exciting plans for 2025, and apparently some people actually listened to that episode. :)
Why no new keyboard
Because it won't matter enough. I feel the keyboards we already make are close to ideal, at least in my opinion — especially the Voyager (my personal fave and daily driver). So why churn?
We’re not a publicly traded company; we’re not fuelled by venture capital. We’re a small, independent business, and that gives us the freedom to play the long game. My hope is to continue providing this island of stability and positivity called ZSA for many years to come — for the team, for our customers, and for our families.
We’re not locked into some annual hype cycle or pushing out barely noticeable upgrades like some phone companies or computer makers. Our releases take time. When we release something, we want it to actually make a difference—not just to release it for the sake of releasing it. And if you're a keyboard aficionado, you can trace the impact of each of our releases not just on ZSA customers but on the whole industry, including companies much bigger than us. But that's not what we're chasing.
What I want to compete on is service and quality — the quality of Oryx versus other configurators, of typ.ing versus other typing trainers, and most of all, of our support versus what people think about as "tech support".
I love seeing other companies working to match or exceed us on customer service and after-sales care (as opposed to pre-sale hype, thirsty videos and social media noise). That raises the entire industry. Imagine more CEOs in shared email inboxes replying directly to customers, and more knowledgeable, caring, articulate support people who are empowered to actually help customers and have real judgment in their work. That’s a big goal for us. It always has been, and it will continue to be in 2025. And that doesn't happen on its own — it's where a lot of our energy goes to. Maintenance is underrated.
On Product Releases
So as I said, no new keyboard in 2025. We’re working on many improvements and additions to typ.ing, our typing trainer. typ.ing has seen remarkable growth since its launch, and it’s a fantastic way to introduce people to ZSA. We’ve just launched our first new feature for the year, the Daily Challenge. If you want to support ZSA, do the Daily Challenges, share your results with friends, and see if they can beat your score. A habit like that can make a real difference—not only for your friends’ typing speed and accuracy, but also for our small business.
In terms of hardware, we are working on something exciting for the Voyager. It’s an accessory that’s fully backward compatible with all Voyager keyboards and adds functionality I’m personally very excited about. I'm using it right now (have been for some time) and it's just so good. :) That’s all I’ll say for now.
A note on pricing
While this post is primarily about what we're trying to do, there is one thing we are hoping not to do in 2025, and that's raise our prices. The Moonlander has never seen a single price increase since launch, and neither has the (admittedly much younger) Voyager. Keeping our prices this stable for years is one of those behind-the-scenes battles we don't say much about — you can guess what this takes by looking at how much other companies in our field have to charge for similar keyboards.
That said, I can't promise we'll be able to keep prices where they are throughout 2025. Things are quite volatile right now. So yes, we may see a price increase later in the year, but I'm working to avoid that and I don't have any other information on it. I just figured I'd mention this piece for the sake of transparency.
I hope this helps explain how I'm thinking about coming year and what you can expect from us. As always, feel free to email us with questions and comments.